Magic Publisher
Magic Publisher (1996)(Schatztruhe)(Disc 1 of 4).iso
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Final Write Document
258 lines
Easy to learn and use
ast printing
Very fast sorting and searching
Comprehensive User Manual
Ideal for use with Final Copy and Final Writer
Unlimited number of columns
Unlimited number of rows
Reposition columns
Resize column widths
Add, modify and delete columns at any time
Left, right and centre data alignment
Sort All or Selected rows
Multiple column sorting
Replace and Replace All
Date, Time, Amount, Calculation and Text data entry types
Running calculation columns
Multiple line Memos
Screen totals
International Date, Time and Currency options
Word processor type data entry and editing
Cut, copy & paste data, columns and rows
Delete one or more rows at once
Save All or Selected rows or columns
elect multiple rows or columns that are not adjacent to each other
query requester allowing complex search criteria
Displays s
ub lists located manually or
by a query which can be saved or printed separately
Row count display in window title
User defined sort, search & column V
Hide columns from view on screen or printout
Save default for Find & Replace requester
Conversion of data from one type to another, e.g. from a Text to a Memo column
Clear default screen font
Output using internal printer fonts
User Interface
'Spreadsheet like' interface
User defined label formats
Open multiple databases at any one time
Runs on a Workbench or user defined custom screen
Real time database scrolling
Extensive user defined preferences
Automatically adjust window size to column widths
Automatically adjust column widths to show all data
Automatically adjust column widths to fit window size
Standard Amiga ASL file requester option
Print out reports
Print onto labels
Print to any Workbench supported printer
Print to disk option
Print report totals
Import and Export
Imports Pen Pal, File IIsg and ASCII files
Exports ASCII and mail merge data for Final Copy and Final Writer
Graphics, Sound & Animation (requires the
use of datatypes in Workbench 3.0
Display graphics, play sounds and animations
Slide show facility for graphics
Scripts and Macros
Extensive ARexx support
Final Copy & Final Writer integration via supplied ARexx macros
System Requirements
Amiga with a minimum of 512k* RAM
Amiga with at least one floppy disk drive
Amiga running Workbench 1.3* or higher
* Recommended: 1Mb+ of RAM and Workbench 3
Retail Price £39.95
(£34.95 to registered SoftWood users)
Final Data 3
he powerful yet easy to use Amiga database
Final Data has been designed to be the easiest Amiga database
to use by far
. Anyone can create a Final Data database, enter information and print reports
or labels in minutes - not hours as with other programs! But for the expert
Amiga user, Final Data 3 now includes even more advanced features, like the new
graphics, sound and animation datatype support when running under Workbench 3.0
or above.
Entries marked with a
denote either a new feature or an existing feature that has been improved in
release 3
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